For the Finance Manager
Travel Management that Saves You Money
The Benefits
Lowest Price Guaranteed
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The Benefits
Travel Policies that save you money.
Our expert team will review your companies travel policy and condense it, as well as optimise it so that you take advantage of every opportunity to save on your travel budgets and expenses. We can rewrite your policy and mix and match flights and accomodation.
The Benefits
Custom Travel Reporting - nothing generic here.
Flightfox can build a customer reporting solution for you so that you can view, track and manage all your company’s travel data in real-time for greater control.
The Benefits
95% Refunds guaranteed for cancelled flights.
Flightfox can get the refund, we know what to say, we have access to all the platinum lines (not the standard phone lines), straight to the decision maker.<br/>The airline sees that Flightfox we have made 1000s of bookings and give us priority, there are normally 7 hour phone cues, and we can wait that long cause we have 1000s refunds to request, this would not make sense for individual person booking travel - cashback for over 95% of customers.
The Benefits
Complete Expense Management
After each trip, we create one simple invoice that collects all costs. No more manually tracking down invoices. Let your travel team focus on creating an unforgettable executive travel experience.
Featured Case Studies
Start saving money on your business travel today.